Fallout New Vegas Where To Store Stuff

Posted : admin On 09.10.2019

Forums: Index Fallout: New Vegas general discussion Where can I store my items without them dissapearing.Rex 00:23, May 3, 2011 (UTC) I've found a number of places. Mar 25, 2013 - Fallout: New Vegas Discussion ›. Jan 11, 2008. Nothing prevent you store your shits at the three duffel bags in starting area.

Fallout New Vegas Where To Store Stuff

I'm only level 5, just started really but need somewhere safe to store my gear. I have located the Mojave Outpost, and Primm, but havn't done the ghost town gunfight quest or finished the my kinda town quest. Can anyone help? 07:37, December 4, 2010 (UTC)When I started, I stored my stuff (and slept) in the house directly opposite the Prospector Saloon & General Store in Goodsprings. Easy Pete sleeps there too, but I was able to use the other bed and the storage in the bedroom with no issues. 12:34, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Ship your stuff to Goodsprings via Mojave Express Dropboxes.How long is it safe to leave your stuff in the drop boxes? 20:39, December 4, 2010 (UTC)(Speech 50) You could give it to me.

I'll look after it for you. 20:46, December 4, 2010 (UTC)Black Widow I'm sure you would prefer giving it to me, sweetheart.winks. 21:21, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Terrifying Presence Give it to me or I'll cut you. 21:27, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Cannibal Me, or you're DINNER.

And I'm REALLY hungry. 21:54, December 4, 2010 (UTC) strong back Gee, that sure looks heavy, maybe I should carry it for you. 21:58, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Barter I'm sure it would be much easier to carry this Tin Plate than all of that stuff. 22:14, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Barter Hey, Crystalcrow, why don't we just double team him at split the loot? 22:16, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Charisma 10 How about 60/40, Jasper? 22:19, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Barter 77 Deal, and you get to eat the body,seeing as that's your thing, aslong as I get any 12 gauge shells or 9mm rounds, you get first dibs on the rest. 22:23, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Deal, and a pleasure doing business with you.

Gotta go, dinner awaits! 22:25, December 4, 2010 (UTC) You have recived Jasper's Luck of the Devil Perk, You're luck stat is now raised to 10 and your critical chance has doubled with all guns I can also repair any of your guns to 100% free of charge. 22:30, December 4, 2010 (UTC) Christmas came early!

Thanks, Jasper:) 22:57, December 4, 2010 (UTC)I don't have anything good yet so you wouldn't want it. I just hate throwing things away or selling stuff. I'm nearly at Novac and I understand you can get a room there by doing a quest or paying 100 caps. New Vegas rocks, can't wait to buy it. Only hired it out so far.

21:09, December 4, 2010 (UTC)Gas station in goodsprings. Never lost anything there as long as ringo is gone. 21:00, December 5, 2010 (UTC)I like the hotel room in Novac. Starting i would use Victors place. Little bit of a walk from the GSprings spawn point but oh well. Novac room has a safe and a lot of space for Viewing items.

19:43, December 12, 2010 (UTC)Really anywhere is good, because things don't disappear when you drop them. Or atleast they shouldn't, i dropped some clothes when i was level 1 at goodsprings and i found them at level 30 later on. Novac is good, once you get to the strip it's easy. As long as you dont forget where it is.I would agree with The Lone Kobold here in that Victors shack makes a good starting place to store your gear. It has a radio, a bed and a sink plus a desk and 2 ammo boxes for you to store your gear in. The down side to Victors is aethetics - what I mean is the fridge is broken if your Rp'ing that means no cold storage and the basin and toilet are both broken in the bathroom. Still, it is safe and secure and so far I've not had any problems in storing gear there.

Fallout New Vegas Safe Locations

Another good site for player housing further into the game, IMO, is Vault 3. After you've cleared out the Fiends that is. The Overseer's room is nicely set up, it's got 2 double beds and 2 sets of drawers plus a desk with a computer. The downside to Vault 3 is the water sources basins etc are heavily irradiated. Plus the Fiends respawn at the enterance every 72 hours but that's not a problem but a bonus way of earning caps plus experience as by that stage you should be able to slaughter the respawns without too much difficulty.


Scattering mines and powder charges around the area after you've wiped out the latest batch is fun too as when the next lot appear. BOOM!:)10:39, December 18, 2010 (UTC).