Jedi Academy Realistic Saber Combat

Posted : admin On 13.09.2019

I really like this mod. For reasons that have very little to do with gameplay, mind you, but there are plenty of those reasons available as well. Before I explain why I like this mod, let me cover the basics of what it changes:. manual blocking.


Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PC) Cheats. Realistic Combat. Your character will do a flurry of lightsaber slashes, and kill the jedi quite quickly. This movement can work for the. How to Win a Lightsaber Duel on Jedi Academy. Updated: October 4, 2018. A cultist partnership (one with saber, one with force) is hard unless you take down the force user first. They will use tactics to kill you such as combining with grip and light saber throw. Apr 21, 2017 - I've never played jedi academy but I don't think building a deep and complex lightsaber fighting system inside a good war game is realistic.

slowed combat speed. one-hit saber kills. massively increased automatic blocking (for compensation to the above point). new saber sounds. other stuff listed in the read-me which I didn't get a chance to test (so read it!)My favorite bit here is the slowed combat speed and the increased blocking.

It's a filmer's dream! Not that I make films.:p.

Jedi Academy Realistic Saber Combat Mod


Anyway, I am talentless when it comes to JA, but I managed to have some pretty awesome looking fights using this mod with only a mere reborn. So anything that makes JA cooler is a bonus in my book.Then there's the 'realism' angle; after all, it's in the name of the mod! Does this make saber fighting more realistic? When was the last time you saw any Jedi take 10 hits with a lightsaber before going down? Is this increased realism a good thing? That's debatable. I like it, because I think despite the one-hit-kills it's still quite balanced (which is where a lot of similar mods fail).

When he says blocking was beefed up, he really means it. In case it wasn't clear earlier, there is still automatic blocking. The manual blocking is in addition to it, and it works as advertised (read the read-me for that).If you want to use this mod in multiplayer, though, you're going to come across a few problems. I'm guessing, based on the batch file, that this mod was designed for SP. In MP some notable 'bugs' are the clash effect doesn't work, manual blocking doesn't seem to work, and (maybe it's just my imagination) but the sabers seem faster than in the SP. Overall it's not really working too well in MP, although you could certainly still use it.

The author may want to think about working it into a usable MP mod as well, if possible.Did I mention he removed the red stance?:D (Don't cry, it's supposedly coming back in the next version. Except less ghey.)I have one gripe. No, they're not bad. They're just. Well, the most common swing sound is like. A fast swing sound.

And none of the swings are fast. It bothers me. The author better fix/change it or I'll cry.:p Now if that isn't a minor gripe, I don't know what is.Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play through single player to see what else has been changed.:pInyri.