Fallout New Vegas Rocket Launcher

Posted : admin On 14.10.2019
  1. Fallout New Vegas Grenade Launcher

Jul 23, 2013  But I'm not sure how to do it properly. Every rocket launcher is heavy as hell, the ammo is even worse (because if you're not playing Hardcore, you're a girl), and the mines and grenades are unwieldy and even if you can manage to not kill yourself, you'll still kill your companions.

A Respect Thread is an educational resource meant to provide usable information on a character's capabilities for the purpose of 'Who would win in a fight?' -style debate.


Fallout New Vegas Grenade Launcher

Respect Threads should be clear, concise, and accurately portray the character in question.RRules have been Updated!.Respect Threads must contain at least 5 pictures, scans, screenshots, clips, or other relevant media sources along with information explaining the feat, and cover the majority of a character's primary canon at minimum.State which version of the character and what series they are from in your title.You may repost 1 respect thread per day. Characters in ongoing series should be reposted as necessary.Be polite and don't downvote.Do not use wikis as a source for feats, or use YouTube as a site to host feats.Any Respect Thread containing sexually explicit or risque feats and content must have a NSFW label in the title.You must obtain permission to update old Respect Threads and you must message the moderators when you have obtained permission to update a Respect Thread.Characters must have a source material.Respect Threads must adhere to basic formatting guidelines (I.e. Hiding links and using bullet points (or similar equivalent such as quotations))C BL.S- The sub that spawned this one.- The bastard offspring of.- The bastard offspring of and an old mayuri condom.- Answers gleaned from the universe itself.- For that one scan that just looks wrong without the rest.Got one to add? Message the mods.

I'm a huge fan of New Vegas.Adding in the shit Courier 6 has seen is a nice touch. That adds a bit to a possible experience edge in some circumstances that gets left out in a lot of contests. Sometimes a character wouldn't know how to react, Courier 6 has a lot of experiences of their own as well as things discovered during Vault explorations and other wanderings they can draw on to make choices and plot strategies.I wonder who'd win between The Vault Dweller, The Chosen One, The Lone Wanderer and Courier 6. I like the respect thread, but you focused too much on gameplay mechanics rather than lore. Most of your points are based on SPECIAL stats and perks, which aren't really valid feats.Another issue is that there is no canon Courier.

All of his abilities are completely dependent on the preferences of the player. There's no guarantee that he's cybernetically augmented, no guarantee that he's capable of taking on a Deathclaw, no guarantee that he's armed with recieved power armour training, or that he can use energy weapons, explosives, or is capable of hand-to-hand fighting.This is an excellent write-up, but it's not exactly based on useable feats.

Because i love you youtube. Yeah I guess that's another big issue. Really there were a lot of things in there, like tanking large caliber bullets that could not be used in actual argument.The only things that could be taken from this thread to be used in others are feats, and some of the aspects of SPECIALLastly, the thread was built under the assumption of a peak Courier.

Canonically the Courier could have been a dude who was a complete psychopath and good at killing, or a pacifist who talked their way out of everything.

Produced in limited quantities for trials and evaluation at the and ballistic missile complex, the Red Glare was designed to embody the shock-and-awe doctrine. Rather than using bulky, the weapon was designed to use miniaturized explosive rockets, loaded in canisters of thirteen. The canisters were designed to be portable and easy to carry, for easy reloading.This was necessary, as the Red Glare was a fully automatic rocket launcher, capable of expending its entire canister downrange in just a few seconds, allowing for saturation bombing. To maintain accuracy, the tracker module allows for image magnification and enhancement, for more accurate long range engagements. Finally, it was designed to be portable: When not in use, it will collapse its components down, reducing its dimensions by over 30%.