Ck2 Crisis Of The Confederation
Posted : admin On 11.10.2019I don't know where else to put this, but I tried to figure out how modern goverments would work in CK2. Maybe for an After The End mod, but worldwide.Presidential Republics:Work much like Merchant Republics, but Families are replaced by Parties, who compete for the control of provinces by.insert mechanic here. Each province votes for a candidate for President, a candidate for Governor, and a number of Representatives depending on the holdings in each province. The president rules over the realm and appoints his cabinet/council, but the laws of the realm and much other stuff, are decided by a house of representatives: a separate court under a Speaker vassal to the president. Rulers can hold City and Castle holdings, and depending on separation of church and state, also Cathedrals. The noble class is completely replaced by military ranks, and it's suboordinated to burghers.Of course this would work like shit in actual gameplay, if at all.
But whatever, let's get to the titles!Realm names:Barony: City, District (castles), Diocese, Parish, Mosque, etc. Click to expand.Fuck the pagans.Christians stronk.Played as Scotlands. From lord of Mann to Duke of Galloway to conquering half of Scotland via marriage then de jure conquest of the Isles with the last remnants being Kantes and Albany.
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Albany my de jure conquest - my king died in the first battle.The game ended because apparently I've been an elective succession since i became king of Scotland. Let's start again. I name my 2nd son - the better son - as my chosen successor, invaded Albany, conquered it, then went on a LOOOOONG crusade. Three invasion attempts, 10k men in total lost over the course of I think 10-15 years. Finally won while I stayed in Scotland after the last failure.War ended, I declared de jure right to kantes on Norway.
Through marriage alliances made by my papa - I'm now the 2nd son, King Arthur, son of King Robert II - I have Castile, Brittany, half of Britain (a single man is duke of so many duchies that it like's a giant slash in the island), Denmark, and FRANCE!!!!I got my little slice of the north and united Scotland. After 200 years.Now it's time for England.
Ck2 Crisis Of The Confederation System
Click to expand.Thank you very much! Should make the game much more interesting.Although the tooltip explaining to me what happens if I fail to invade China is somewhat scary.In completely unrelated news, am I the only one to find the Bloodlines utterly game-breaking?Don't get me wrong I like the concept, but there are things about it that really bug me. Mostly it's that Child of Destiny thing.
It pops up and then you have a huge Empire with an absurd amount of event troops spawning in the middle of nowhere. It just doesn't make any sense! Thank you very much! Should make the game much more interesting.Although the tooltip explaining to me what happens if I fail to invade China is somewhat scary.In completely unrelated news, am I the only one to find the Bloodlines utterly game-breaking?Don't get me wrong I like the concept, but there are things about it that really bug me. Mostly it's that Child of Destiny thing.
It pops up and then you have a huge Empire with an absurd amount of event troops spawning in the middle of nowhere. It just doesn't make any sense! Click to expand.Ah yes, I have noticed that Empires tend to get bigger these days. Or rather, empires that would have fallen apart in earlier versions don't.Like at some point there was that Seljuk Empire that got really big (controlling the entire Arabian Empire, plus the entire Persian Empire, plus Anatolia and Thrace).And then they lost the Empire title and got in its place something like 20 kingdom titles. Don't know why they lost the Empire/didnt't recreate it, but go figure.I kept thinking the thing would crash down soon, considering a king's vassal limit can't possibly accommodate that big a kingdom, and yet it stayed around for like 200 years.The worst thing might be how it fell though. See, the Pope had declared a crusade for Jerusalem (Seljuk territory) but it was rerouted to Thrace (which the Byzantines had taken back from the Seljuk a decade ago).
Crusader Kings 2 Star Wars
So an anti-Bizzie Crusade, nothing unusual, right?Except the Seljuk King, managed to convert to Christianity just in time to take part in it, get the most war participation and thus retake Thrace from the Bizzies. Great job for the Seljuk, hijacking a Crusade like that. But then you had that Christian King ruling Sunni dukes so clearly a revolt was coming that would finally destroy the Kingdom, right? The guy ruled 20 years and died peacefully, not one revolt in sight.WTF.Except it seems the conversion messed up the Seljuk succession law because when the King died, the Kingdom splintered into something like 15 successor states, all ruled by sons of the old King, most of whom were overthrown by Muslims.The whole thing was weird. Would any of the CKII players of the board be interested in a shattered world succession type game? I.E one player starts as a random character, and gets to play as long as that character is alive.
Upon death you have to pass the savegame to the next person and he gets to pick another random character and so on. Ironman will be off so it will be possible to choose an other ruler when the savegame is loaded.
It would be interesting to see how the world would look like after a few play troughs. I think the only prerequisite would be that you have the Holy Fury DLC. Would any of the CKII players of the board be interested in a shattered world succession type game? I.E one player starts as a random character, and gets to play as long as that character is alive. Upon death you have to pass the savegame to the next person and he gets to pick another random character and so on. Ironman will be off so it will be possible to choose an other ruler when the savegame is loaded.
It would be interesting to see how the world would look like after a few play troughs. I think the only prerequisite would be that you have the Holy Fury DLC. Would any of the CKII players of the board be interested in a shattered world succession type game?
I.E one player starts as a random character, and gets to play as long as that character is alive. Upon death you have to pass the savegame to the next person and he gets to pick another random character and so on. Ironman will be off so it will be possible to choose an other ruler when the savegame is loaded. It would be interesting to see how the world would look like after a few play troughs. I think the only prerequisite would be that you have the Holy Fury DLC.
Would any of the CKII players of the board be interested in a shattered world succession type game? I.E one player starts as a random character, and gets to play as long as that character is alive. Upon death you have to pass the savegame to the next person and he gets to pick another random character and so on.
Ironman will be off so it will be possible to choose an other ruler when the savegame is loaded. It would be interesting to see how the world would look like after a few play troughs. I think the only prerequisite would be that you have the Holy Fury DLC. Aztec Invasion: OffI do have the Sunset Invasion DLC, but hardly ever play with this game rule on. I do not know if the other invaders like the Turks or Mongols spawn in a shattered world game.Generate Families: OnThis is mainly to avoid a premature game over, as it is not as fun playing as a 70 something years old count who has no heir.Exclave Independence: HarshTo avoid border gore and absurd exclaves.Shattered Retreat: OffI also have this turned to off all of the time. I simply do not like this mechanic.Supernatural and Absurd Events: UnrestrictedThis will give the AI access to weird or unusual events and will surely spice up thingsAdventures: RareProvincial Revolts & Revolt strength: Rare & DefaultThese three rules are pretty much grouped together.
The game spits out way to much adventurers, these go on to raid holdings. Sacking temple holdings and lowering the religions MA, up to the point that it hovers just above zero. Spawning heretic doomstacks and further pummeling the religions MA into the ground.