Deus Ex Laser Rifle
Posted : admin On 30.09.2019Posted on 14 June 15 at 08:08Just played it myself. The game itself is fine, not really any lag unless you start mucking around with explosives, but good lord, the load times. I never installed the original disc to my HDD and the load times were long, but they weren't 30-35 seconds long.
After playing through the game twice, my favorite I think has to go to the heavy rifle. Upgraded, it basically trivializes the last two bosses and all. When discussing weapons in science fiction, a plasma weapon is a type of raygun that fires a stream, bolt(s), pulse or toroid of plasma (i.e. Very hot, very energetic excited matter). The primary damage mechanism of these fictional weapons is usually thermal transfer; it typically causes serious burns, and often immediate death of living creatures, and melts or evaporates other materials. Mar 7, 2012 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a very good game. But it had one big problem: those frustrating, out-of-place boss battles.
Accidentally click a door to another area? You're looking at a tad over a minute to get back to your original area, between both loading times.I've also noticed some glitches that carry over from the original, and plenty of new glitches as well.
Main annoyance, that I had my game glitch to perma-suspicious while in the DLC area. No matter where I went or what I did, I was suspicious forever before I even reached my first camera. Didn't get a single Ghost rating because of it, despite the fact that a camera/turret being suspicious isn't grounds for breaking Ghost (though I do think I know why it breaks Ghost, tl;dr bad coding).It's a more complete game. Boss fights are now a touch more manageable, the DLC area can be a touch easier since you get any weapons you had when you recover your gear (Meaning you can walk into the DLC portion of the game with a fully upgraded pistol / shotgun / tranq rifle / etc.) The extra weapons / kit (Grenade Launcher, Double Barrel Shotgun, Silenced Sniper Rifle, Automatic Unlocking Device, and Remote Detonation Explosives) definitely flesh out your tactical options. Extra mission is nice too, even if it's not too much.Game still suffers from some problems. Final boss wasn't touched up at all, NG+ is pretty useless (you can only carry over augs, not anything else, and achievements may or may not be disabled?
Dunno.) and leading from my last note, most late-game weapons receive nearly no use. Like, the Plasma Rifle, for example (Laser Rifle, Grenade Launcher also fall under this). You get the Plasma Rifle when there's literally only one area left, and maybe an hour or hour and a half (if you're slow) of gameplay left. Oh yeah, I'm totally gonna be able to fully upgrade this and use it on anything but the final area's sames-ies (innocent, as well) enemies.Grenade Launcher is also a bit of an odd weapon since it outclasses the Rocket Launcher in every way except how early you can get it and how much ammo you can get for it.
It's smaller, does the same damage. It essentially is the best big-boom weapon you can get, the second you get it.There's also the energy bar change for Easy / Normal, where you can regenerate up to two bars. Being able to cloak for up to seven seconds and knock out an enemy all in the same double-bar passive charge is the most ridiculously OP thing and I love it. (People called the one-bar recharge thing stupid but I ended the game with so much extra Cyber Pro-Boost shit it's not even funny.) I mean, just being able to cloak for 14 seconds on a passive charge is crazy. Cloak, walk to security console, toss one of the very plentiful insta-hack items, hide, wait for your re-charge, re-cloak, and modify computer settings. Cameras, turrets, bots, etc. It's ridiculous.
Deus Ex Human Revolution Laser Rifle Battery
Won't help you on your Hard difficulty run, but could make an easy most-achievements run very easy (assuming you aren't just gonna do one playthrough, which is now even more viable to do).All in all, I'd say get it. It has its usual quips and some new niggles (bloody load times) to deal with but it's overall a more solid and complete package, and having all the DLC on hand makes things a lot easier. There's also the new dev commentary if you like that, and NG+, though lacking anything besides augs, still has serious fun potential. On the whole, I'd have to say Eidos Montreal dropped the ball with the overall release and presentation and everything about the Director's Cut. But it's still the better choice. Posted on 19 June 15 at 01:58, Edited on 19 June 15 at 01:59 by SandMan NL1said: Just played it myself.
Deus Ex Laser Rifle Review
The game itself is fine, not really any lag unless you start mucking around with explosives, but good lord, the load times. I never installed the original disc to my HDD and the load times were long, but they weren't 30-35 seconds long. Accidentally click a door to another area? You're looking at a tad over a minute to get back to your original area, between both loading times.I've also noticed some glitches that carry over from the original, and plenty of new glitches as well. Main annoyance, that I had my game glitch to perma-suspicious while in the DLC area. No matter where I went or what I did, I was suspicious forever before I even reached my first camera.
Didn't get a single Ghost rating because of it, despite the fact that a camera/turret being suspicious isn't grounds for breaking Ghost (though I do think I know why it breaks Ghost, tl;dr bad coding).It's a more complete game. Boss fights are now a touch more manageable, the DLC area can be a touch easier since you get any weapons you had when you recover your gear (Meaning you can walk into the DLC portion of the game with a fully upgraded pistol / shotgun / tranq rifle / etc.) The extra weapons / kit (Grenade Launcher, Double Barrel Shotgun, Silenced Sniper Rifle, Automatic Unlocking Device, and Remote Detonation Explosives) definitely flesh out your tactical options. Extra mission is nice too, even if it's not too much.Game still suffers from some problems. Final boss wasn't touched up at all, NG+ is pretty useless (you can only carry over augs, not anything else, and achievements may or may not be disabled? Dunno.) and leading from my last note, most late-game weapons receive nearly no use.
Like, the Plasma Rifle, for example (Laser Rifle, Grenade Launcher also fall under this). You get the Plasma Rifle when there's literally only one area left, and maybe an hour or hour and a half (if you're slow) of gameplay left. Oh yeah, I'm totally gonna be able to fully upgrade this and use it on anything but the final area's sames-ies (innocent, as well) enemies.Grenade Launcher is also a bit of an odd weapon since it outclasses the Rocket Launcher in every way except how early you can get it and how much ammo you can get for it. It's smaller, does the same damage. It essentially is the best big-boom weapon you can get, the second you get it.There's also the energy bar change for Easy / Normal, where you can regenerate up to two bars. Being able to cloak for up to seven seconds and knock out an enemy all in the same double-bar passive charge is the most ridiculously OP thing and I love it. (People called the one-bar recharge thing stupid but I ended the game with so much extra Cyber Pro-Boost shit it's not even funny.) I mean, just being able to cloak for 14 seconds on a passive charge is crazy.
Cloak, walk to security console, toss one of the very plentiful insta-hack items, hide, wait for your re-charge, re-cloak, and modify computer settings. Cameras, turrets, bots, etc. It's ridiculous. Won't help you on your Hard difficulty run, but could make an easy most-achievements run very easy (assuming you aren't just gonna do one playthrough, which is now even more viable to do).All in all, I'd say get it. It has its usual quips and some new niggles (bloody load times) to deal with but it's overall a more solid and complete package, and having all the DLC on hand makes things a lot easier. There's also the new dev commentary if you like that, and NG+, though lacking anything besides augs, still has serious fun potential. On the whole, I'd have to say Eidos Montreal dropped the ball with the overall release and presentation and everything about the Director's Cut.
But it's still the better choice.Thanks for this! Next week i am going to start with the Director's Cut:).
I got the revolver at the start of the game and loved it, such a badass weapon, especially when you upgrade the rounds to EXPLODING BULLETS! I had that holstered whenever i was walking around the cities in case some thugs tried to threaten me. I completely ignored the combat rifle and machine pistol, i've used enough of those in other fpses. The 10 mm pistol seemed really lame.until you upgrade it fully. Then its the perfect weapon for any warehouse/office/enemy base with tons of guards. Just go sam fisher style (conviction-era, mostly) and pop heads when you need to.
The animation when he pulls it out is badass, too; reminds me of the halo 1 pistol. I remember getting a shotgun by hacking into a police officer's computer and finding out what room it was stored in, so it felt really special to get a weapon that powerful in what seemed like an early part of the game. Doesn't one shot everything unupgraded, but it sounds like it packs a punch and i like the reload animation. I passed on the sniper and went for the crossbow, and picking off enemy snipers from long distances using the lead targeting assist upgrade was really satisfying. And it was a nice touch how the enemies dont die instantly when you crossbow them; they kind of writhe on the ground in pain for a few seconds. I remember nailing an armored guard's head to a wall and watching him hang from the bolt, a morbidly awesome little detail. I never found a rocket launcher.
When i found the laser i was stoked because it looked like it would be really powerful but i was completely underwhelmed when i used it. Heavy rifle is sick, of course. Could always use more dakka.
I really don't like the nonlethal weapons. Not using the badass (and well designed, imo) weapons would make me miss out on all those cool moments i had. My playstyle used all the stealth skills i've learned from splinter cell and the like WITHOUT most of the stealth upgrades and invisibility. I ignored all shooting augs and got mostly hacking and any augs that would give me a new route to take (gas immunity, icarus landing system, picking up heavy stuff, etc.) So i used old fashioned smarts and stealth as well as hacking and side routes. I could silently kill up close w/ the 10mm or pick off snipers w/ the crossbow without detection, but if i got in trouble or just saw strength as a simple solution i went loud as hell. This was the most fun for me, and so i didn't see a role at all for nonlethals. For offensive weapons I liked the Heavy Rifle and the Gernade Launcher, I got the Grenade Launcher after the mission involving Tongs son.
I think it might have been a pre-order DLC mission, I got the code even though I didn't preorder. Anyways The Grenade Launcher goes through the final two bosses like butter. 4 shots for each for the bosses on Normal, 5 or 6 on hard.
Non Lethal, the Stun Gun is the best, it may take a while to reload and you can't upgrade it, but it takes down anyone with one shot, and if I was smart about it I could take down an entire room with that gun very quickly. @AmatureIdiot said:The grenade launcher makes the third boss a joke. I got wasted by him on my first try so decided to try out the grenade launcher, he literally went down so fast I thought there was a glitch.I found the silenced sniper rifle disappointing, it felt no more powerful than the 10mm pistol.Sniper rifles are mainly good for taking out dudes who are quite far away, since weapons have a maximum range, at some point the pistol will just do no dammage. This is usually other snipers, and there are not many of those in the game.