Magento Facebook Customer Chat

Posted : admin On 08.09.2019

Facebook has just released the Facebook Customer Chat Plugin a week ago. By embedding this widget to your website, your customers can chat with you via Facebook Messenger in real-time right on your website. That means they don’t have to navigate to Facebook or Facebook Messenger to send you a message anymore.

  1. Magento Customer Service
  2. Magento 1 Live Chat

Facebook Login extension allows visitors to sign up and log in your Magento site via their account. The more customers register on your site, the closer you reach potential buyers and the higher conversion rate is. The role of account registration is undeniable. However, not all customers are patient enough to finish all the tedious required information at Create new Account page. Why not ease this step with Facebook Login extension provided by Magestore?

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Registering for a new account on your website would never be easier since customers can use their Facebook account to sign up without any required information. Maximum 3 clicks and they will be yours.Signup and login through your Provide a new seperated password for that Facebook accountYou can configure to provide a new password to customers after their signup, so that they they can login your site using Facebook account but with a different password from their Facebook password.

More password security, more happy customers!

Since 2011 we try a lot of different templates and extensions and most of them was not worth the money they want for that. Support: nothing. Source code: bad written with a lot of mistakes.

Magento Customer Service

Magento live chat extension free

Magento 1 Live Chat

Magento Facebook Customer Chat

Customisation: hopefully in 100 years.Then we came across Venus Theme and Land of cooder. The templates was very easy to install, the support was great and not often to find at other companies for the double and more of the prices of the templates. They made all our customisations for our websites in a fast and easy way to an affordable price. And what was not to find as an extension: they wrote it perfectly so we have today three different webshops all build up with these amazing guys. We save a lot of time and money in the daily work now and if we need anything or one of our mates: they are the first way.