Microsoft Outlook Save Folder Default
Posted : admin On 12.10.2019Outlook Technologies.Outlook Forms.Languages.Samples.Other Technologies.Save in Target Folder Sample FormThis sample Microsoft Outlook journal formdemonstrates the code needed to force an Outlook item to save in aparticular folder. We have two particular applications inmind:. Saving journal items to a public Journal folder. See. Using a message form to save items in a specific folder,rather than to send information. (A message form cannot beused as the default form for a folder. See.)You can also adapt the technique to other types of forms, simplyby copying the source code from the sample and modifyingthe target folder path, as described under Setup.
Setup. Download thefile (10.8 kb), then unzip it and open JournalMove.oft. Choose Disable Macros when yousee the macro prompt. Click the View Code button to display the form's code. Under the InitOpts procedure, provide the full path to thetarget folder where you want to save items using this form, e.g.' Public Folders/All Public Folders/IT Department/IT Task List' Forappointment and journal forms, you can also set whether you wantStart date for the item to default to the current date/time.Otherwise, new items may default to the date the form waspublished.
Publish the form, probablyto the Organization Forms library.UsageThe user simply runs the form directly using normal form launch methods.You can alsofor a particular type of form. The fact that the form saves items in a folder other than the defaultfolder for the type of item is transparent to the user.NotesThetechnique that makes this form save in a specific folder is tocreate a copy of the item using the Copy method, then use the Movemethod on the copy to put it in the target folder. The original itemis discarded. The fact that the item is a copy is recorded in thebuilt-in BillingInformation field.
HKEYCURRENTUSER SOFTWARE Microsoft Office 11.0 Outlook Options. Open and Save Office Documents Path. To change the path that the Office applications use for Open and Saving files, and Outlook uses for Insert Attachments, Browse this PC, open Word or Excel's Options. On the Save dialog, change the Default location file location. Add to Quick Access. Apr 18, 2013 How to Change Outlook 2013’s Default Save Location on Windows Taylor Gibb @taybgibb April 18, 2013, 10:24am EDT By default, when you use the save as option to save e-mail messages and attachments in Outlook the items are saved in your My Documents folder.
Microsoft Outlook Save Folder Default Windows 10
If your application needs to usethis field for some other purpose, you must modify the sample forms'code to replace BillingInformation with either the built-in Mileagefield or a user-defined field.The form's code includes a generic GetMAPIFolder function that takes the folder path as itsargument and returns a MAPIFolder object. Feel free tocopy it to other Outlook projects where you need to returnfolders other than the Outlook default.LimitationsWhen theuser saves the item, the item closes - even if the user clicksSave, rather than Save and Close. This is because the open item isthe original, not the copy that was moved to the target folder, andmust be discarded to avoid confusing the user about which is the'real' item. Redisplaying the copy automatically isdifficult, if not impossible. At the time the item is copied andmoved to the target folder - i.e.
When Write event fires - thereis no way to know whether the user has clicked Save or Save andClose. If your application needs to keep the item open, you mightwant to handle this by prompting the user to choose whether toredisplay the item. To obtain the moved item, you would use the Findmethod on the target folder's Items collection.I have not found any way to save a message item in a publicfolder at the same time it is being sent, unless you also send it tothe public folder's address.More Information.© 2002-7All right reserved.Send comments toDesigned and Implemented byA browser with JScript capability is required to participatein this site. Please seeif you are concerned about privacy.FrontPage Integrationby.