Sonic Adventure Dx 99 Edition

Posted : admin On 14.09.2019
  1. Sonic Adventure Dx Pc
  2. Sonic Adventure Dx Walkthrough

3dImprovement 8TweakAddition 4.-Hey guys, I’m glad you’re all enjoying 3.0x so far! It’s only going to get even more better in future updates! Down below is just a little glimpse of what’s going to change, and honestly, for the better.- The Quality of Life update 4.0x.

Sonic Adventure Dx Pc

And now with Sonic Adventure arriving on the GCN, I can finally play this game all I want without constantly having to ask. I've really got to hand it to SEGA and Sonic Team for making one of my favorite games of all time! Sonic Adventure DX is a perfect, upgraded version of one of the best games I've ever played! Join Sonic and friends as they embark on their first truly epic quest to stop Dr, Eggman’s most villainous scheme in the hit Dreamcast title Sonic Adventure™ now available on Xbox®LIVE Arcade.An ancient evil lurking within the Master Emerald has been unleashed from its slumber by the devious Dr. Eggman and is on the verge of becoming the ultimate monster using the 7 Chaos Emeralds.

Improvement Loading screens will now show you the GUI you’re using: PS4 or Xbox One. Improvement Button prompts are receiving a makeover (in-game action button prompts mimic the ‘X’ or ‘Square’ to boost graphic in Generations. Improvement All music is now lower. Improvement All character sound effects have been lowered. Tweak This was well needed so players can now play the game with louder volumes. In simple terms, the game no longer ear rapes players.

This was well needed. Addition Mech textures will be using AI upscaled textures with colour corrections.

Improvement Sonic and Shadow have been retextured (yet again). This adds even more detail to them, and adds consistency within Sonic’s cuffs and cloth details. His SOAP Shoes have also been altered slightly. The white tip of the shoe is now a rubber like material, as opposed to a canvas texture. Shadow’s details don’t need explaining; they’re that obvious.


Improvement The ‘whitefaced’ look for both Eggman and Shadow has been removed. The colours didn’t look bad on my display, but after multiple comparisons, I’ve made them use their Forces skin tones. This also makes them look less weird. Improvement Sonic now uses his Unleashed skin tone. Improvement A reworked scrolling text effect for the menu! For this to appear, please use SPEEPS’ menu mod because MSA2 WILL NEED TO BE USED WITH THE MENU MOD!.

Addition Haunted Castle from Team Sonic Racing is now the music heard in Pyramid Cave. Addition Pyramid Cave has all-new sound effects. AdditionAnd lastly, Green Hill has been retextured! Importing textures from Generations and colour correcting them for SA2’s intended aesthetic.-More changed yet to come!2moAddition 2Adjustment 5Optimization.-So you're probably wondering why 3.0 got re-uploaded.-This quick and final update for 3.0 includes.

Utorrent portable language pack. AdditionThe well needed inclusion of the Cutscene Sound Fix made by RusGG!. AdjustmentNew voice clips for Sonic:. AdjustmentTricks on ramps and rails. AdjustmentRunning into a wall. AdjustmentGetting hurt and a death by enemy voice clip. Sonic now says 'noooo' after his ouch voice clip when defeated by an enemy. AdjustmentPushing an object voice clip got updated, and no longer uses Roger's voice.

Despite this not being obvious, it was actually a placeholder until I finalised Sonic's voice clips from ages ago. AdditionAnd finally, the wooden boxes/crates got updated textures from Sonic '06. OptimizationMinor tweaks - removed unnecessary CSB folder banks leftover from SFX editing. This reduces the file size by a few MBs.-I hope you enjoy how 3.0x was supposed to be! See you at SAGE 2019 guys!2moAddition 15Improvement 11Removal.-Finally! After 4 months, I'm back with an update I'm sure you're all going to love.

AdditionBefore y'all begin reading all the changes below, I'd like to announce that I now have a PayPal account! Feel free to smash that donate button whenever you want! Xoxo. AdditionWhen loading up Sonic Adventure 2, the first loading screen will tell you what version of the mod you're using, and a brief summary of what's included.

AdditionNew scrolling text effect! Use SPEEPS' mod for this, it's an essential.

You can find out more about this in the description below.-Also, if anyone wants to make a video on this mod, feel free to do so! Looking at you, Blue Vivacity.-TEXTURE CHANGES. ImprovementShadow no longer looks like a plush toy. Jk he still does, and this has been fixed (yet again) for 4.0x!. ImprovementShadow's eye texture has been fixed.

ImprovementRouge now has some added shadow detail to her fur. It's subtle, but it's there. ImprovementRouge's shoe texture has some new detail to it. Again, it's not that obvious, but it's certainly there.

RemovalYeeted Amy's updated textures because they were trash.-STAGE CHANGES. AdditionGreen Forest, White Jungle and Radical Highway just got a huge glow up! HD textures from Adabat and City Escape (and some custom textures) have been imported to make them look like completly new stages!. AdditionEnjoy the new billboard advert in Radical Highway.-MUSIC CHANGES. ImprovementTaking it back to the rock scene, 3.0 CE re-introduces SA2's main genre of music, but with added spice. And more rock.

AdditionMusic from the Burnout Series and Sonic and the Black Knight made its way into the update! I'm sure you'll have a blast listening to them.-Music changes are listed in green, as usual, down below in the description.-CUTSCENE CHANGES.

AdditionCutscene music has also been replaced, with music from Doctor Who Series 8 and 9. It actually goes very well with the story. Go ahead and see for yourself!. ImprovementCharacter themes used in cutscenes are a bit quieter so you can hear the characters talking. (Courtesy of RusGG for allowing me to use part of his mod in MSA2). AdditionSome cutscenes have received updated and more realistic sound effects. More cutscene SFX changes coming in future updates.

Here are the ones that have been changed. AdditionEvent 1 - Sonic and the Chopper. AdditionMeeting Shadow. AdditionEvent 2 - Amy busting Sonic out of Prison. AdditionEvent 5 - Sonic v. Shadow (this change had been applied to both versions of the cutscene).

AdditionE210. AdditionGoing Super Cutscene.-CHARCTER SFX and more SFX CHANGES. ImprovementThe sound played when releasing the spindash sounds amazing, and oddly satisfying. A combination of Sonic Boom's dash sound and Sonic Generations' 'Boost 1' sound effect. ImprovementThe checkpoint sound for Sonic and Shadow now fades out with a clean reverb effect.

ImprovementRevamped both spindash sound effects! A rolling sound from Lost World has been added for a more realistic sound. And when the spindash is charged, you'll hear a backflip sound effect. Again, for a more realistic and immersive sound and action.-And last but not least, ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES.

Sonic Adventure Dx Walkthrough

ImprovementWind sound effects played in City Escape and Radical Highway have been updated!. ImprovementJets in Metal Harbour have also been lowered, and changed. AdditionUpdated Final Chase's environmental sound effects.-Thank you all so much for shaping the future of this mod. To those who've downloaded this mod, give yourself a round of applause.

You deserve a cookie! Future updates will just be minor adjustments and tweaks here and there to keep the mod fresh and to maintain what it represents.-2.1 CE and 2.2 b were a huge success, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future of 3.0x looks like.-Enjoy playing SA2 with this update!4moAddition 3.-So my PC decided to mess up during an update, and it hit me with a blue screen. Unfortunately, I’m delaying 3.0(x) for another month, as I don’t want to release a rushed update. Really sorry folks.-Is there an estimate for the release?.-3.0(x) will be released towards the beginning of April (preferably, April 1st).-Thanks for being patient!.-EDIT GUESS WHO'S BACK! After 2 days of (really) hard work and losing out on sleep, I managed to restore my laptop!.blue screens really did me over, and it wasn't as easy as it was last time this happened.-With that said, I'd like to point out that 3.0 isn't actually that 'm a s s i v e'; it's more of a big 'refinement' for sounds and textures. Believe it or not, I've already done most of the update in the short amount of time I've had (literally a day has gone and I've made so many changes, so I'mma list one down below).-3.0(x) brings new stage retextures!.


AdditionHD Green Forest (using Adabat textures from Sonic Unleashed). AdditionHD White Jungle (this looks insane) (using customized and edited Adabat textures with a lot of detail). Addition. And HD Radical Highway!

(Mainly roads, buildings, the skybox and poster textures have been imported from Speed Highway Act 2 from Sonic Generations. Not all buildings and objects are being retextured.).-New character texture comparisions are bound to be up AT LEAST at the end of this week (24/03/19 - 31/03/19)4moImprovementAddition 3.-So guys, we did it. We reached a tenth of 10,000 DLs; 1,000 downloads and 8,500 views and still growing.

The fact that we reached this number in such a short amount of time is just phenomenal. I-I'm just amazed! Thank you all so much for supporting this mod and helping it grow! I-I love you guys, you guys are just awesome!. ImprovementWith that said, I'm excited to announce that a massive update is inbound in March. V3.0 CE, 3.0b, and an all-new v3.0c, which is for those who want modern textures and sound effects only!. AdditionVersion 3.0 CE will introduce intense music from Doctor Who (Series 7 and 8), as well as re-introducing City Escape and Green Hill Act 2 from Sonic Generations!.

AdditionCutscene sound effects are also being worked on!. AdditionLast but not least, a new and improved logo will be up when the update is live.-Modern SA2: CE v3.0 will be releasing on 1/3/19 14:30 GMT (London Time Zone)! WELCOME THE THE NEXT LEVEL of Sonic Adventure 2 modding.Modern Sonic Adventure 2: Cinematic Edition includes all-new content, including new in-game voice clips, sound effects, music and textures. Music from Destiny 2, Burnout Revenge, Burnout Paradise, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations, Sonic Forces, Doctor Who, and other sources have been implemented into the game!This mod has been split into THREE versions to appeal to everyone; those who only want new textures, those who want new textures and sound effects, and those who want the full thing.

Before downloading this mod, please download the following mods made by SPEEPSHighway, as MSA2 utilises them bothDid I mention that this is the world's first public SA2 mod to feature voice clip changes and an SFX overhaul?- 2P sound changes included!-.Common SFX (including the new rail-grinding sounds) have been implemented into the Action Race Battles! I'm not changing the voices in 2P case people prefer the original voice cast and character sounds over the modern sounds.I also have a PayPal too! 3dI am about to go speechless on how much you made this game look modern its just outstanding makes me want to play sonic adventure 2 more on quick note tho the battle opening seems to have a few textures that are the originals and some that are yours on shadow it kinda bugs me a bit but other than that i am IMPRESSED by this mod and how good it has gotten in the past few months!

I REALLY Hope you don't abandon this because its a master piece and should really deserve more. Thanks x 1.

Cheers x 1The Worst Modder Eva. 1moI'm only about halfway through the Hero Story, but I thought I'd get my thoughts out so far.-I know modding is an art, and it's your choice, but I gotta agree with kidsheldon here. Savanna Citadel Day is crazy unfitting for Pyramid Cave's track. If you gotta replace it, maybe one of the tracks for 06' Dusty Desert or one from one of Shadow the Hedgehog's temple stages- oh, Sand Hill got that rad new remix for TSR, maybe that would work!-So far, all the 'epic music' YouTube channel tracks for cutscenes and the other stock music like that used for the Hero cutscene after the first Tails V Eggman fight, is also pretty tonally clashing with the game's scenes.-I'm seriously digging the menus and their music. I never thought they could get better, but damn son, this is sick!-The character textures seem off. The biggest thing I noticed is that, it seems there are two types of in-game models for playable characters, one for cutscenes, and one for gameplay, but the new textures only seem to work on the gameplay models. My other issues are much more superficial.

For one, the colors for the walkers look too flat, Tails' walker doesn't even have it's old bolted-together metal look. Lastly, again, superficial, but the lines on the hedgehogs that denote their individual spines are a bit tacky IMO. They serve to complicate the beautifully simple character design, but I can totally see why some would love that kinda stuff.Anyways, I'll try to finish this modded version tomorrow, and edit this comment accordingly (or just add another as a reply. It's my first time actually commenting on GameBanana). Agree x 1. Helpful x 1. Thanks x 1Bananite.

This post is 1mo 1moThis is looking pretty great so far! I do have my fair share of criticisms, though, so here goes:- The life icon should not be in Modern style. The art style of SA2 just does not match it. If you want to go for a Generations feel, perhaps that monochrome classic life icon that Generations uses would fit better.- The board sound is too grating to be used for just turning.

Isn't it used for drifting in Generations? It'd fit better for braking, but that uses the same sound as turning, so I guess I'd just not include it.- The item box icons starkly contrast everything else since they're so dark, and it just doesn't look all that good.- The new spindash sound layered with the Ancient Light charging sound doesn't work. The Ancient Light sound should either be removed, or replaced with something more fitting. It's hard to judge the spindash sound itself in this video, and I can't be too bothered to install the mod myself to see how well it fits, but I get the feeling it's quite unfitting of the Adventure-style spindash.- The boost pad sound has that lingering woooosh sound trailing it, which plays well with a constant boost but isn't so great for the Adventure style.- The magnetic shield shouldn't be styled as the lightning shield, as the lightning shield specifically grants a double jump while the magnetic shield doesn't. The shield's icon is also circular while others are square, which is inconsistent.- The grind sound plays with increasing intensity, but grinding in SA2 doesn't have strictly increasing intensity. If there's a way to make it change with your speed, that'd be preferable, but if not, it should remain at a constant intensity.- The spring sound is very quiet.- The light dash start and continuing sounds are just wrong. It shouldn't start with a dash ring sound and shouldn't have an ancient light like sound for the ongoing dash.- I'm thinking a stomp sound might be good for the bounce attack, but I understand that it only makes a sound upon use, not when landing, so it might be difficult to find a more fitting sound than what it's currently set to.- Why is the goal ring Forces-styled?

The mod seems to have a very Generations aesthetic, so it'd be very fitting to use the Generations goal ring, wouldn't you think?- The end card needs lots of work. Restyle the boxes and SCORE/TIME/RINGS/TIME BONUS/TOTAL SCORE text to match the new font, use some slam sound for when the score, time, etc. Are placed onto the board, use the Generations score tally sound for the score tally and the Gens Score - Points Earned sound for the score tally finish, and use the Gens rank display sound for the rank display.- Colors look incredibly bright yet muted in stages like City Escape or Green Hill, which just looks wrong.

Definitely change that.- Try to use modern-style remixes of stages where possible. If you want to keep the music replacement going, then definitely change Pyramid Cave's music to something else. The current music is very unfitting. Notes TexturesAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorGoogle - for materials and inspiration(For a minority of textures) The Textures Resource -MusicYouTube to MP3 converter (320 kbps) -Goldwave - For converting it into WAV 16 bit and 32 bit PCM audio filesAudacity - For mixing some tracks (like the start of the original Metal Harbour and implementing that into the modern version)ADX ConverterADX PlayerSound EffectsThe Sound Resource -YouTube (as some SFX and voices weren't on that website^)And of course, my brain. Work in Progress Game.

This is a + 2 trainer for the demo version of the game Darkest of Days In Darkest of Days, players travel back and forth through the annals time to relive some mankindd-deOaos most dire hours, when human society was at its lowest points.By fighting through terrible events such as The Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest conflict of the Civil War, and the volcanic eruption in Pompeii in the year 79, the player attempts to save certain key individuals who were never meant to become involved in these truly monstrous.